Sick Day Narratives

Sometimes all it takes is a good sick day to force me to stop.

to breathe. to think. to rest.

I'm learning to be intentional with my times of rest (I hope you are too). Especially on a sick day like today, the last thing I want to do is focus on "whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy" (Philippians 4:8). We must train ourselves to take every moment as an opportunity to become more like the Father, focus our minds, and feed our souls with Truth. This is when we find true Rest.

So today, I decided to listen. God often uses things that I view as road blocks for my good. That's what happened today. Here is what He's teaching me:

"Open up our eyes to see you in the ordinary, we don't what to miss you anymore."

The Invitation Song by 10,000 Fathers

I don't want to miss Him anymore.

Not gonna lie, some of the concepts I talk about in this post were inspired by Carl Lentz's series entitled "Occupy All Streets." Specifically, this clip.

Anyways, so the Lord has been teaching me this concept of "staying in my lane" or doing what I'm called to do and doing it well. In a culture where social media blasts comparison (which I believe is the root of envy, but more on that another time), obeying the Father's unique call for us can be tough--we can tend to feel insignificant.

The truth is, God has called me to do something different than he's called you. I am not equipped to do all those amazing things that you do; however, He's promised to deliver and equip me to be me (and you to be you, of course)!

"For the LORD your God moves about in your camp to protect you and to deliver your enemies to you."

Deuteronomy 23:14

I'm loving this verse. God wants to be in my camp. He cares that much about little old me. But in order for God to protect me and deliver my enemies to me like this verse says, I have to be in my camp.

Get in your camp, sister. And stay there! God wants to meet us in the ordinary, in our daily experiences in our camp (or our "lane").

So what if...we were the generation to find what we were made to do, where we were made to be, and who we were made to be in community with, and stay there! What if we were the ones to be content no matter what happened around us.

I had a conversation about this with my dearest friend, Zoe Elizabeth. She has a blog too and, ladies, it's worth checking out! Find her musings at

I believe that you and me were made for more. Let's pursue Truth, beauty, and goodness in our camps and watch God meet us in the ordinary. Go!