It's You

I really don’t know where I am going but I’m just hoping it’s with you.

Oh, dearest September, or March-tember as we lovingly call it around here, I know you know this already, but things have not turned out how I would have planned them to. Disappointment has tried to interrupt our dance. Disillusionment has tried to push us into a deep sleep of apathy. What seemed like defeat has been trying to re-compose the song that has already been written over my life.

But, You, in all of Your splendor and marvelous glory, have transformed what could have been a dinner with discouragement into a date with destiny because what the enemy meant for evil, You have meant for good all along. (Genesis 50:20)

I see it now. You wanted me, all of me, for you. It wasn’t a detour. It was part of the story. What felt like confinement, going in reverse, loss, was actually freedom, abundance, and the way to life to the full.

Death seems like the end but it’s actually just the beginning of resurrection. 

The seed must fall and die, then there can be true growth. (John 12:24)

Jesus wrote the final word, and death has no say in it. (John 19:30)

Death is now just a step in the eternal direction. 

This garden is sprouting up fruit, and fast. (Ezequiel 36)

I have chosen, once and for all, You. It’s You. Every day, every moment, every second, every thought, every word. It’s You, Jesus. Again and again. 

You know all things. I do not. (1 John 3:19-20)

You are closer than a friend. I need you.

You resurrect. Death is not an obstacle for you.

You are faithful to the end. You are always. (Hebrews 10:23)

I have encountered you. I have encountered eternal life. If living in you means dying to me, then so be it. I yield. I no longer want what I want, I want You. Give me only one pure and holy passion, to know and follow hard after you. 

Let’s try this again. You’re the God of second chances, and you’ve been writing my story all along

You’re the God of new beginnings. I know it’s going to be better than I could even dream, ask, or imagine. You know me better than I know myself.

Jesus, finish what you’ve started in me.
