Plenitud & proceso

La historia de amor más apasionada de la historia; lo que más tengo por seguro y por lo que me lo arriesgaría todo. El romance más ilógico, el celo más santo, la aventura más gloriosa.

El único Dios perfecto en justicia y a su vez loco por amor; se hizo hombre. Vivió lo que yo nunca pude haber vivido y murió la muerte que yo misma merecía. Venció a la muerte en mí y me entregó las llaves de toda autoridad en este lado del cielo. No solo me limpió, no solo me rescató de un destino de destrucción, que hubiera sido más que suficiente…sino además me coronó con su justicia. Y me dio un nuevo nombre, me hizo heredera legítima de su belleza, me sentó en lugares celestiales junto con Él. 

Y esta es tu historia también. 

1 Juan 3:1 “Mirad cuál amor nos ha dado el Padre, para que seamos llamados hijos de Dios”.

El amor más real que ha existido y existirá en el universo se nos ha acercado a nosotros, nos ha transformado desde nuestro interior hacia fuera. Ese amor nos revoluciona tanto cada aspecto de nuestro diario vivir, tanto que es imposible que nos deje igual. 

Cuando le vemos a nuestro Amado, a Jesús mismo, su persona nos contagia con su justicia, o su perfección. Nos encontramos con el amor más puro, la compasión más intensa, la convicción más profunda de la verdad, y esas características de Él empiezan a tomar raíz en nuestros corazones.

1 Juan 3:2-3 “Amados, ahora somos hijos de Dios y aún no se ha manifestado lo que hemos de ser; pero sabemos que cuando él se manifieste, seremos semejantes a él, porque lo veremos tal como él es. Y todo aquel que tiene esta esperanza en él, se purifica a sí mismo, así como él es puro”.

Qué privilegio ser hijo. Qué privilegio ver. Qué privilegio ser transformado.

No podemos perder de vista ese vínculo entre el verle a Jesús “tal como es” y el ser transformados a su corazón. Ahora sí, vemos en parte, conocemos en parte (1 Cor 13:9), pero aún así nos podemos purificar en su poder por su gracia. 

Por qué anhelamos eso? Porque, “nosotros, por el Espíritu, aguardamos por fe la esperanza de la justicia” (Gal 4:5). 

Al final le veremos y esta es una promesa. Y cuando le vemos, seremos cómo Él es, seremos santos. Compartiremos de la plenitud de su justicia. 

Así que teniendo por el Espíritu esa “esperanza de justicia”, la promesa de que seremos semejantes a Él al final, hoy podemos pedir una mayor revelación de su persona, de su rostro.

Aunque no le veremos por completo en este lado del cielo, lo que sí nos es revelado, lo que sí vemos, es el catalizador de nuestra purificación. Es el combustible de nuestra transformación a su perfección. 

2 Cor 7:1 “Como tenemos estas promesas, queridos hermanos, purifiquémonos de todo lo que contamina el cuerpo y el espíritu, para completar en el temor de Dios la obra de nuestra santificación”

Perfeccionarnos de toda contaminación (en su poder, por su gracia) nos “desbloquea” nuevos niveles para contemplar su gloria. El círculo más hermoso que hay es el verle, y por consecuencia ser perfeccionado, y entonces poder verle más, y entonces poder ser más como Él, y entonces verle más, y así poder ser más y más transformado…Y así hasta llegar al final.

Nuestra santificación, purificación, el proceso de parecernos cada vez más a Cristo, es justo eso, un proceso en este lado del cielo. Un camino que paso a paso, nota por nota, nos lleva de gloria en gloria.

Lo que aquí es poco a poco, en gloria ya consumado es. Lo que aquí es un caminar diario, allí es un contemplar eterno. Lo aquí es en parte, allí es plenitud.

It's You

I really don’t know where I am going but I’m just hoping it’s with you.

Oh, dearest September, or March-tember as we lovingly call it around here, I know you know this already, but things have not turned out how I would have planned them to. Disappointment has tried to interrupt our dance. Disillusionment has tried to push us into a deep sleep of apathy. What seemed like defeat has been trying to re-compose the song that has already been written over my life.

But, You, in all of Your splendor and marvelous glory, have transformed what could have been a dinner with discouragement into a date with destiny because what the enemy meant for evil, You have meant for good all along. (Genesis 50:20)

I see it now. You wanted me, all of me, for you. It wasn’t a detour. It was part of the story. What felt like confinement, going in reverse, loss, was actually freedom, abundance, and the way to life to the full.

Death seems like the end but it’s actually just the beginning of resurrection. 

The seed must fall and die, then there can be true growth. (John 12:24)

Jesus wrote the final word, and death has no say in it. (John 19:30)

Death is now just a step in the eternal direction. 

This garden is sprouting up fruit, and fast. (Ezequiel 36)

I have chosen, once and for all, You. It’s You. Every day, every moment, every second, every thought, every word. It’s You, Jesus. Again and again. 

You know all things. I do not. (1 John 3:19-20)

You are closer than a friend. I need you.

You resurrect. Death is not an obstacle for you.

You are faithful to the end. You are always. (Hebrews 10:23)

I have encountered you. I have encountered eternal life. If living in you means dying to me, then so be it. I yield. I no longer want what I want, I want You. Give me only one pure and holy passion, to know and follow hard after you. 

Let’s try this again. You’re the God of second chances, and you’ve been writing my story all along

You’re the God of new beginnings. I know it’s going to be better than I could even dream, ask, or imagine. You know me better than I know myself.

Jesus, finish what you’ve started in me.


La Herencia

pídeme, y te daré por herencia las naciones.

pídeme, y te daré por herencia las naciones.

pídeme, y te daré por herencia las naciones.

salmos 2:8

Es hora de pedir. Pedirle a Dios lo que, a lo mejor, a nosotros nos parece una locura o imposible. Jesús mismo nos recuerda varias veces (Lucas 11:11) de la bondad de nuestro Padre en cuanto a contestar nuestras oraciones. Como hijos amados y escogidos, nos podemos acercar al trono de gracia y justicia confiadamente (Hebreos 4:16).

Vimos con el ejemplo de Daniel (Daniel 9:23, 10:12) que nuestras oraciones impactan al reino. Es decir, nuestras peticiones, declaraciones, y alabanzas, mueven y cambian las circunstancias. Tú y yo somos actores con poder y autoridad en lo espiritual. Y, yo creo, que cuando se lo pedimos a nuestro buen Padre, Él puede manifestar ese poder y autoridad aquí en la tierra si nos disponemos a escuchar su voz y obedecerla, aunque nos cueste algo.

Es importante que seamos conscientes de que cuando Dios nos responde, nos suele movilizar a nosotros como parte de la respuesta. Por eso, oremos con humildad y disposición, sabiendo que Dios nos podría pedir que luchemos, defendamos, lideremos, armemos, etc. Orando con fe significa que oramos preparados de formar parte de la solución.

Si oramos confiados en nuestra identidad como hijos e hijas del buen Padre, convencidos de que nuestras oraciones impactan tanto al reino como a la tierra, y conscientes de que su respuesta podría requerir nuestra plena obediencia, de pronto nuestras vidas se convertirán en testimonios de su milagroso poder y favor.

En Santiago 5:16 vemos que la oración eficaz del justo puede mucho. Y, en Hebreos 4:12 nos damos cuenta de que la Palabra es viva y eficaz. Entonces una buena manera de empezar a fortalecer nuestras vidas de oración confiada, convencida, y consciente es orar proclamando lo que encontramos en la Biblia.

Empieza con una promesa…solo una frase. Órala, declárala confiado de que tú ya no eres tú, sino que estás sentado en lugares celestiales como hijo amado (Efesios 2:6). Órala convencido de que va a pasar porque ya está hecho en el cielo (Marcos 11:23-24). Órala consciente de que te puede tocar cumplir esa voluntad de Dios en la tierra.

Por ejemplo, yo voy a empezar con una promesa del segundo salmo. Son muy pocas palabras, pero cuando las estudiamos, vemos que estas pocas palabras conllevan mucho poder. Voy a pedirle a Dios que me dé las naciones como herencia. Lo declaro y proclamo con confianza de que doy la talla…no por quién soy yo, sino por quien Él me ha hecho ser con su sangre. Lo declaro convencida de que mi buen Padre quiere darme las naciones como herencia,  y lo va a hacer. Lo declaro consciente de que esta promesa implica que actué yo. Puedo dar pasos sabiendo que, en ellos, mi Dios se encontrará conmigo, me equipará para lo necesario, y me guiará en cada momento con su dulce voz.

Pedirle a Dios las naciones no es nada ligero. Implica acción. Implica movilización. Implica obediencia radical y disposición sin fin. Pero…también implica una victoria garantizada porque Jesús ya la ganó en la cruz. Implica ser utilizado por el Rey de reyes y ser su embajador entre las naciones de la tierra. Implica la presencia permanente de Dios todopoderoso que, nunca, jamás me fallará ni me abandonará.

Arriésgate. Ora lo que te parece una locura, y déjate quedar sorprendido a causa de la fidelidad de nuestro Dios.


In the spirit of sweet potato season, let’s talk about roots.

I recently uprooted, moved across the ocean, and began the process of re-planting myself in a new community. If anything, being shifted to new “soil” truly reveals where our roots are. Suddenly, familiarity is scarce and conformity seems pretty appealing.

It turns out, responding to my situation with “unhealthy roots” is easy and, in fact, the most natural. However, this type of motivation leaves me exhausted, concerned about the approval of others, and confused about where I’m headed.

Jesus prepared me for this season of change. He is not surprised. We are in this together. I can take the risk, act out of spiritual health, and He will not let me miss any good thing.

Why choose healthy roots when unhealthy roots seem more satisfying?

Healthy roots sprout praise and righteousness.

Isaiah 61:11 “For as the soil makes the sprout come up and a garden causes seeds to grow, so the Sovereign Lord will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations.”

Healthy roots allow me to respond to my circumstances in praise. My eyes are fixed on the Lord and not the details of my day-to-day struggles. By living with healthy roots, my life points to Heaven and God gets the glory.

Healthy roots restore peace.

Isaiah 61:3 “They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.”

Healthy roots allow me to be steadfast in the midst of chaos. I can stand firm because my purpose is not to reach success (whether relational, academic, etc.), but to reflect the face of the Father.

Healthy roots reveal purpose.

Isaiah 61:1-2 “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.”

When I am centered in Jesus, my purpose comes naturally. I do not need to force a future. When I am confident in Jesus as my anchor, I can confidently allow him to be King of my heart.

Talking Points: Let Heaven Come

Isaiah 66:1, “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place me?”

I want to be your resting place, Jesus.

Jesus goes where He’s invited, and I want to build Him a house of dwelling with my life. I want my primary job to be loving and knowing Jesus, and for everything else to be secondary. 

When Mary (Martha’s sister) poured out her life to Jesus, her past, present, and future, His response was to say: “She has done a beautiful thing to me…She did what she could” (Mark 14:6-8). The cry of my heart is for Jesus to say the same over me. How can I pour out my life as a fragrance before the King?

I want to reject comfort and security and instead embrace danger in Jesus’ name. Nothing apostolic is safe. Jesus is my protection, and He calls me into adventurous living with Him.

He calls me to cherish diversity and rally a new race of lovers of His heart, united by the blood of Jesus: a holy nation, a royal priesthood, God’s special possession (1 Peter 2:9).

He calls me to bind up the brokenhearted, that’s some messy work (Isaiah 61:1).

He calls me to “rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated,” to knock down the precepts of the father of lies and reestablish the Kingdom’s standards in the earth (Isaiah 61:4).

He calls me to an attitude of dependency where my understanding is that Jesus is not all I need, but that He’s all I’ve got. 

He calls me to give this hope to which I have been called, away (Ephesians 1:18). 

He calls me, out of His unapproachable light (Ephesians 1:19), to use my light to bring out the God-colors of this world (Matthew 5:14).

It’s a call with weight and significance, not to be taken lightly because it’s not a light concept. It is life or death, freedom or captivity, wholeness or disease. 

Let’s stop protecting our egos and reputations and start acting like our actions directly impact the Kingdom of Heaven, because they do.

Yes, Lord

Sometimes, Jesus allows things to happen in life that just give my heart a good 'ol doozy. I found myself serving the YWAM base in Guatemala City, Guatemala this summer, and my heart did one of those somersaults that always end up changing our direction a bit. 

God, in his powerful gentleness, let me know that my plans are quite frankly dirt compared to His. I'm still piecing together words and scriptures spoken over me, so I figured I'd process them here so you can join me in the journey!

1. Vision

It's funny because my word of the year 2017 is literally vision. When God told me that in December, I wondered how it would end up playing out.

I believe what he wanted to speak over my heart is that His vision for my life is much different, bigger, more adventurous, and scarier than my own vision is (Ephesians 3:20). In pursuit of discovering and fulfilling that vision, I need to keep my eyes fixed on heavenly things (2 Corinthians 4:18). I got to the point the other day when I finally said: "Jesus, if you'd like to do something with me that isn't in 'my plan,' I'd be okay with that." That's the kind of sentence that leaves my tongue a little stiff after saying it. But I'm learning to really make that the anthem of my heart: I am willing to give up my plans and dreams, so that I may be used uniquely by the Father to grow the Kingdom. 

Here's the vision He is speaking over you and me today:

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” Luke 4:18-19

I personally think the Spanish version is even more captivating: 

“«El Espíritu del Señor está sobre mí, por cuanto me ha ungido para anunciar buenas nuevas a los pobres. Me ha enviado a proclamar libertad a los cautivos y dar vista a los ciegos, a poner en libertad a los oprimidos, a pregonar el año del favor del Señor».” Lucas 4:18-19

2. Go

During a time of worship at the YWAM base, a lovely friend of mine spoke a word from the Lord over me: "no tengas miedo a lo que el te vaya a llamar solo dile si. Él irá contigo" (Don't be afraid of the call, just say yes. He goes with you). The verse she felt went along with that is Galatians 5:5: "But we who live by the Spirit eagerly wait to receive by faith the righteousness God has promised us."

In Genesis 12, God tells Abram to literally "leave your native country, your relatives, and your father's family, and go to the land that I will show you" (verse 1). However, this intimidating mandate does not go without a promise. The Lord says to Abram, "I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others. I will bless those who bless you and curse those who treat you with contempt. All the families on earth will be blessed through you" (Genesis 12:2-3). Because every promise of Abraham is 'yes and amen' in Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 1:20), I receive this mandate and the promise that accompanies it. 

Another word someone said over me was:  “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”” Isaiah 52:7

Jesus, if you want to call me do something crazy, I'm okay with that. 

3. Fearless

So now that I feel like there's a call on my life to do something that wasn't my "safe option" of choice, I must choose to reject the enemy's attempt to make me believe His lies of fear. 

I learned a secret that I feel like you might like to be let in on: the enemy uses the lying tactic of the spirit of fear when he himself is intimidated by the death-to-life power of Jesus Christ that you and I have 100%-24/7-all day-everyday access to. When the enemy senses an opportunity for us to activate the power of Jesus, he sends out his wimpy demons to try to make us give into their make-believe identities they try to speak over you and me. 

But us, dear friend, we are already claimed as full out, royal priesthood, beloved daughters, holy identities (2 Corinthians 1:22). From now on when the enemy tries to trip me up with fear, I will say "that is not my fear, that's the spirit of fear, and it does not belong to me." Turning the light switch on makes the cockroaches flee. Bringing light to the enemy's weak tactics, reminds us and him of the true life-breathing power you and I carry. 

When I need to address an opposing spirit, I can turn "the light" on by saying, "do you see who's standing behind me?," in the calmest, most confident voice. Because the reality is that NO WEAPON, that's right, NO WEAPON, formed against me can prosper (Isaiah 54:17). And the Spirit hovering over me is the One who breathes life, heals the blind, frees the captives, and defeats death (Isaiah 26:19). 

Someone else gave me a word that was just straight up, "God did not give you a spirit of fear, but a spirit of boldness." It doesn't get much clearer than that, friend. You and I need to stop acting like somehow we got possession of the spirit of fear (Isaiah 52:2). It does not belong to us. Drop it like it's hot, baby (sorry if you were just scarred by the fact I said that). 

4. Power and Authority

Lots of people have power, but only our Jesus has authority. The enemy should be afraid of me, because I walk in that authority. 

How do you know a police officer has authority? The uniform!! It's the same in the kingdom of heaven, our uniform of the armor of God and gifts of the Spirit signifies to the enemy the power and authority that we carry (Ephesians 6:10-18). 

5. Life

Now then, how do I live? Knowing that Jesus would like to make an adjustment in my path, I keep my ears tuned to the Spirit, and my eyes ready to identify situations in which I can invite the Spirit to move. 

I don't know what's next. It could be crazy. It could be "normal." But now that it's not up to me, I feel much more at peace. Here's my plan: delight in Jesus. Meditate on His word and His voice. Let Him do the heavy lifting. Say yes, even when I feel like sprinting in the other direction. 

“Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4

I'm claiming this other verse that someone spoke over me: 

“Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.” Psalm 1:1-3

Jesus, here's my senior year. Do what you want with it. I want to see you move. I want to run, full-speed, out of my comfort zone and into the zone where you are in complete control. Let's run. You lead, I'll follow. 

I say: yes. 

What will you say?


This Far and No Farther

I often think of the Father in His role as Creator. It astounds me. I love the way it makes my brain basically explode. He's just so vast and mighty and purposeful--and even still, He invites me into intimate relationship. 

I often ponder the idea of acting and living in God's image. I've been reading (and re-reading and re-reading) Jess Connolly and Hayley Morgan's Wild and Free and it got me thinking about the native language of the Father: life. We speak life over others because He first spoke life over nothingness. 

We create because He first created. We model the actions of the Father, through the Holy Spirit, simply to give Him even more of the glory He deserves. 

The more our Spirits are in sync with Holy Spirit, the more we can operate out of the identity that the Father intends for us to have--one modeled after Him. 

In all of these thoughts about His greatness, I remember how the Lord challenged Job's  way of thinking in Job 38.

“Who kept the sea inside its boundaries as it burst from the womb, and as I clothed it with clouds and wrapped it in thick darkness? For I locked it behind barred gates, limiting its shores. I said, ‘This far and no farther will you come. Here your proud waves must stop!’ Job 38:8-11

We may never be able to wrap our minds around the raw might and splendor of our Creator, but we sure can mimic His actions in hopes to look a bit more like Him each day. 

The Father speaks to crashing waves and says, "this far and no farther will you come." And because every promise of God is yes and amen in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 1:20), we can say the same thing to the storms we face.

Comparison, this far and no farther. Intimidation, this far and no farther. Insecurity, this far and no farther. Pain, this far and no farther. Loneliness, this far and no farther. .Depression, this far and no farther. Heck, DEATH, THIS FAR AND NO FARTHER. 

Friends, we need to start claiming the authority that Jesus won for us on the cross. Over every circumstance, in the name of Jesus, we can declare "this far and no farther." 

To be frank, life is too short to be fighting battles that have already been won. We need to start speaking the power, truth, and victory of our God over our circumstances. In that wake, absolutely no act of the enemy can thwart the goodness of God in the land of the living (Psalm 27:13).

Jesus didn't die for us to mope about a situation or feel heartbroken or experience trauma or argue or walk through sickness or feel without purpose or live lonely. Jesus came to set our hearts free from the expectations of this world and to draw us into the adventure of a lifetime with Him. 

Whether or not our situations of brokenness actually change, with the mindset of the victory that was already won for us, we can walk through every moment knowing who is in control and who fights for us. 

So, we "take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5), because Jesus calls us to a life that transcends all of these wimpy attempts of the enemy to steal our joy.

You and I need to stand strong on holy ground. Let's choose to be people who align our thoughts with the eternal inheritance we have already been given--and let the Victor of all handle our circumstances. 

Speak it over whatever your circumstance may be--"this far and no farther."

Make it Happen

I love David's practice in the Psalms of using Scripture to re-align his heart with what matters most. 

"All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip His people to do every good work." 2 Timothy 3:16-17

James did that to me this week. In the flurry of goal planning, vision boards, and intentionality, remembering the big picture put my heart at rest. We can decide to cultivate every fruit of the Spirit, tell every cashier about the Father, and take purposeful Sabbath rest days, and still miss the whole point.

I want to center my heart at the feet of our Jesus. Simply that. Raw. Nothing extra unless He makes it happen. What would it look like for me to live completely in His strength instead of mine? 

I think that's a big deal. The way to share Jesus is to look like Him, and the way to look like Him is to know Him, and the way to know Him is to be with Him. Just be. 

Now that's a standard of grace, and not perfection, that I want to take part in. 


My goal planning for 2017 looked a lot like kneeling at His feet and deciding to give up a year of control in exchange for a year of the miraculous. It's worth it. 

PowerSheets helped me to walk through the steps of organizing my year around what matters most. This is what happened.


I want to grow good things this year. I want to cultivate: my heart for missions; a mentoring role; Spanish skills; genuine joy; creating community through Bible Study; speaking truth, beauty, and goodness; direction; action; love and knowledge of scripture; a worshipful lifestyle; and restful heart. 

My goals all take me back to the Father, where I belong. I'm excited to jump into the action steps and get rocking with what Jesus has in store for 2017. 

My word of the year is vision. For a few reasons: "be thou my vision" has been the cry of my heart because it brings me back to the beginning and simplifies my purpose in being in relationship with Jesus. I want to have Jesus' eyes to seek out the lost and the lonely. I also love the idea of vision because I feel like this year will be formational in finding direction for my future. Most importantly, I'm tired of sitting on my knowledge and love of Scripture instead of taking action in order to complete the vision. 

None of my strength, and all of His. Let's do this.

Dear Soul

2016 has got me ready to take on the world, except all of the contrary. Ready to flood the planet with Truth and wisdom. Ready to laugh harder. Dance longer. Love with intention. Focus on what matters.

Discouragement, you have no place here. Fear, in the name of Love, you’re gone. Anxiety, my Jesus is stronger. Loneliness, you are irrelevant; my God is with me always. Disagreements, instead of you, Jesus brings peace and reconciliation. I will refuse to allow any tactic of the enemy to knock me down.

I know who's I am, where I belong, and why I’m here. I am held by the hands that molded the universe. No lie takes any grip on my heart because it is guarded by the Most High.

Oh God, there is none like You.

I run to You. I cling to You. Come quickly and quiet my soul. To you, I give full authority over all of me, every situation, and every unsettling plan of the enemy.

You are mine and I am Yours.

The Joyful Coronation

This morning, I gazed upon a glimpse of our Father. I sat with my dearest friend and watched the sunrise over the beach while sipping coffee and digging deep into the word.

In light of the literal new season of fall approaching, God is turning the page to a new season in my spiritual life. A deeper season. A harder season. A richer season. A season to grab a hold of Truth and run hard into the heart of Jesus.

I'm watching Him do what He does best: love me. deeply. securely. faithfully.

I've been watching Him hear my cries of prayer and act on them. I've been watching Him reveal His goodness to me. I've been listening to Him pour out His heart for other people over me.

As my friend and I pursued Him this morning in the most vulnerable way, He showed us Psalm 65.

"Those who live at the end of the earth stand in awe of your wonders. From where the sun rises to where it sets, you inspire shouts of joy...You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance...the hillsides blossom with joy...they all shout and sing for joy!"

Psalm 65:8-13

Our God is doing a good thing.

I'm holding on to the promises in this chapter. They carry me.

I'm ready for the coronation of joy to be this new season. I'm ready for even my hardest pathways to overflow with abundance.

I'm ready to obey, wholeheartedly, no turning back.

You, inspire shouts of joy. Do a good thing in me, today, my Jesus. Make me more like you.

This Is My Cry

And, yet, God is still good.

Some seasons have really high highs and really low lows. I'm learning that "embracing the moment" doesn't always end well because times can just get tough. However, embracing God in every moment has totally changed my perspective. Because God is not circumstantial like we are as people, He is always good.

People can fail you and me left and right but God promises to never fail us. So the situation is no longer how can I find the good in this circumstance, but how can I choose to focus on the goodness of God throughout the circumstances I'm given which I have no control over.

This is my cry:

"I will praise the Lord no matter what happens. I will constantly speak of his glories and grace. I will boast of all his kindness to me. Let all who are discouraged take heart. Let us praise the Lord together and exalt his name. For I cried to him and he answered me! He freed me from all my fears."

Psalm 34:1-4

What if that became our reality: "I will praise the Lord no matter what happens."

This is my prayer for the upcoming season of fall kicking into gear for you and me. Let's choose to look past the circumstances we are in and truly begin to keep our minds focused on the goodness of God.

Sick Day Narratives

Sometimes all it takes is a good sick day to force me to stop.

to breathe. to think. to rest.

I'm learning to be intentional with my times of rest (I hope you are too). Especially on a sick day like today, the last thing I want to do is focus on "whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy" (Philippians 4:8). We must train ourselves to take every moment as an opportunity to become more like the Father, focus our minds, and feed our souls with Truth. This is when we find true Rest.

So today, I decided to listen. God often uses things that I view as road blocks for my good. That's what happened today. Here is what He's teaching me:

"Open up our eyes to see you in the ordinary, we don't what to miss you anymore."

The Invitation Song by 10,000 Fathers

I don't want to miss Him anymore.

Not gonna lie, some of the concepts I talk about in this post were inspired by Carl Lentz's series entitled "Occupy All Streets." Specifically, this clip.

Anyways, so the Lord has been teaching me this concept of "staying in my lane" or doing what I'm called to do and doing it well. In a culture where social media blasts comparison (which I believe is the root of envy, but more on that another time), obeying the Father's unique call for us can be tough--we can tend to feel insignificant.

The truth is, God has called me to do something different than he's called you. I am not equipped to do all those amazing things that you do; however, He's promised to deliver and equip me to be me (and you to be you, of course)!

"For the LORD your God moves about in your camp to protect you and to deliver your enemies to you."

Deuteronomy 23:14

I'm loving this verse. God wants to be in my camp. He cares that much about little old me. But in order for God to protect me and deliver my enemies to me like this verse says, I have to be in my camp.

Get in your camp, sister. And stay there! God wants to meet us in the ordinary, in our daily experiences in our camp (or our "lane").

So what if...we were the generation to find what we were made to do, where we were made to be, and who we were made to be in community with, and stay there! What if we were the ones to be content no matter what happened around us.

I had a conversation about this with my dearest friend, Zoe Elizabeth. She has a blog too and, ladies, it's worth checking out! Find her musings at

I believe that you and me were made for more. Let's pursue Truth, beauty, and goodness in our camps and watch God meet us in the ordinary. Go!

It's Time to Start Living

It’s Time to Start Living

In a culture drowning in comfort, complacency and apathy become our second nature before we even notice. It’s often easier to sit back and watch than to take action. And then when we step out of our comfort zones, it’s almost never as we expected—tornados spin every Truth we hold on to. Life gets sticky. On our own, the only thing we can think of is running away—and fast.

Let’s take a look at what the Word has to say about this:

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the
life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips
us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping
our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy
awaiting Him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of
honor beside God’s throne. Think of all the hostility he endured from sinful people; then you
won’t become weary and give up. After all you have not yet given your lives in a struggle against
(Hebrews 12:1-4)

1) Right away in verse one we see the idea of our sphere of influence. Our “crowd of witnesses” is our co-workers, our family, our community, our world, and the people who have invested and poured into us. People are watching how we respond. (v1)
2) Our response to on-lookers should be to say “adios” to our distractions. The author of Hebrews describes our sin like road blocks to living fully in the Will of God. When Jesus died for us, he unlocked our chains. In order to live in complete freedom, we have to make the choice to throw our chains off and start running. We can look like a bunch of idiots if we choose to live dragging our unlocked chains everywhere we go. Jesus says our junk is as far from Him as the East is from the West; His full and complete forgiveness means that He’s forgotten about our mistakes, we have to forget about them, too! Your past does not define your present; Jesus defines your present. When we carry our chains even though the victory has already been won, the enemy can easily beat us up about it. He will try to convince us that what Jesus did wasn’t enough to set us completely free. Just throw off the chains, and start living in the freedom you are called to live in as a son or daughter of the King. (v1)
3) After aligning our thoughts and actions with the Word of God and freedom in Jesus, this Hebrews passage says we must endure. (v1)
4) How? “We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.” (v2). Keep your eyes fixed on the Truth of who Jesus is and who He says you are.
5) Why do we need to endure? Junk happens. Jesus endured the cross “because of the joy awaiting Him” (v2). We need to do the same, pick up our own cross for the joy of knowing Him (Matthew 16:24).
6) God molds our character when we endure hardship. Romans 5:4 “and endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.”
7) Learning to endure and to step out even when it’s sticky isn’t even kind of easy. But when discouragement comes, the author of Hebrews tells us in verse 3 that Jesus experienced more pain by carrying our sin. That same power that Jesus has lives in us through the Holy Spirit. Nothing is “too hard” to endure when Jesus is on our side.

Well, where do we go from here?
“So take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees.
Mark out a straight path for your feet so that those who are weak and lame will not fall but become strong.”
(Hebrews 12:12-13)

It’s time to start living.

I Will Exalt

As I sit down to write this post, I realize the goodness of God.

Wow, just wow.

I will exalt You, Lord, I will exalt You, Lord
There is no one like You God
I will exalt You, Lord, I will exalt You, Lord
No other name be lifted high

(I Will Exalt by Amanda Cook, Bethel Music)

The clock strikes late August and younger (okay, one year ago, but still) me excitedly awaits my first day of Musical Theater at my brand new high school. A few hours in, I'm sobbing in the doctor's office because I saw "my world" come crashing down. No swimming career, no musical theater future, no walking on my own for months. I was crushed. Fight after fight, physical therapy appointment after appointment, tear after tear, I still didn't get it. I cried "why God" more times than not and I felt more alone than ever in my life. Even still, He knew me. Even when I didn't believe it, my Jesus knew what He was going to beautifully make out of my mess.

Months later, I'm walking on my own and starting to do things normally. For any knee geeks out there, I had experienced a complete tear of my MPFL and a fracture of my patella (knee cap). I knew that without a reconstruction, I would just always have to live a little differently. I decided the only thing I could do is hold tight to Jesus and press on.

Fast forward to just 2 weeks ago--laughing, singing, dancing, I'm having the time of my life at camp. Thirty minutes before camp's closing, suddenly everything I had "planned" flashed before me...again. Moments later I found myself in those same "Why God?" tears and in that same state of loneliness. My mom (hands down the best trooper I've got) rushes me to the hospital. The following day, I was supposed to leave for a missions trip to Panama at 5am. I knew there was no possible way that immobile me would be allowed to go. More tears. More pain. More questioning. Why me? Why now?

At the time, I felt like the orthopedic who saw me was insane for letting me go to Panama. Of course, Jesus knew every detail so intimately. How was I supposed to tell people about the goodness of Jesus when I couldn't even walk? I felt so out of place.

I'm glad that our God stays the same yesterday, today, and forever. He held me tight through the hikes up mountains, squished in vans on bumpy roads, 8 flights of stairs (both ways!), slippery rocks on crutches, and the many hours I spent my free time alone, icing my knee, faithfully.

Wednesday (day 4 of our trip) comes around and the place where we were staying invited locals and missionaries to come for a worship night. They asked me to speak. Me? Obviously, the wrong girl! I'm the youngest one here; I can't walk on my own, much less speak in front of a crowd! The enemy whispered to me endlessly that I wasn't qualified, I wasn't enough, and that what I had to say wasn't important.

What I shared, I had prepared even before my re-injury and was so applicable to what I was going through. God laid on my heart a message that would apply to me as well! He knew. I spoke about declaring Truth over ourselves and others in order to fight the lies of the devil.

I sit down after speaking and immediately feel the enemy's lies. It's like I became deaf to the truth I had just spoken. I knew that God didn't want me to believe them, but the devil convinced me I wasn't strong enough to fight back. One man spoke after I did and I felt like an idiot. He was so passionate and excited and had no notes! What he had to say was so true and empowering. All I had was a shaky hand reading a sheet of paper I written weeks before. I believed I wasn't good enough.

After more worship, we split off into prayer groups. My group prayed over the country of Panama and for the fullness of God's presence to be there. Then...they asked to pray for my knee. For some reason, I said yes. The first time I had been injured, people prayed for me and I still had to experience so much pain, I had no faith. My group started to pray and I felt the Holy Spirit. God spoke to me through the prayers of the strong women around me, saying that I was a jewel around God's neck to Him, that He cared about me. No matter what the enemy tried to say, I deserved to be healed; not because of anything I did or could have done, but simply because I am a child of God and He wants nothing more than to pour out every blessing over me.

Healing. Inside and out. Really people. I ripped off my brace, dropped those crutches, sobbed, danced around, and did things I never thought I could do. When you and I meet in person, (I hoping that will be very soon), I'll let you touch my right MPFL that is even stronger than my knee that wasn't injured. I can flex my leg and physically see the ligament that I haven't had for a year. Two of the women who prayed over me shared that God had given them the same vision in their mind's eye of my ligament growing back. This was a reality. I was completely healed.

Nothing is impossible with God.



The next day we went out to pray for the people of Kuna Nega, a community built on the dump of Panama City with cardboard and wood shacks. Because I had been there earlier that week, the people asked about my "muletas" (crutches); they wanted to know why, only 3 days later, I was running up and down the dump, with no brace and no crutches. I shared my story and prayed over a few people that day. We saw healing firsthand yet again.

Then just this past Tuesday, I was at a concert with my family and few friends when we met a dear friend. This is her story:

"I've had many friends asking how my back is. Well I have a wonderful report! I got into a good spinal group early Monday morning...she shared my MRI with me and I could see the fracture L-4...said surgery would not be her first choice as I would eventually heal, she also said "it will be months before you are pain free in your back" I left there feeling relieved that I would not need surgery or have to go for second opinion etc...well the next night I went to Regent to hear the "Tidewater Winds" I sat near the back in case I could not stand to sit that long... I noticed old friends with their family sitting a few rows ahead of me so after it was over I went over to speak with them...their daughter had just returned from a mission trip. A beautiful young girl that went on the trip with a knee brace and crutches!!! She shared with me about a healing of her knee while on the trip..and how the very next night people were asking "where are your crutches" she told them God had healed her knee and they witnessed more miracles that night! We chatted in the lobby and I started to leave, got to the outside steps and said to myself..."I'm going back and get my back prayed for." Went home got in bed and the next morning (yesterday) I was able to get up (Patrick can tell you, I could not do for a few weeks without horrible pain. So painful it took a long time to get up even if I was seated. I could not bend over without horrible yesterday I thought WOW I really do feel better??? Went outside picked tomatoes from our little garden, then went on to dead head a huge row of Dahlias without that horrible pain....folks GOD Almighty touched my back!!! I still have a little pain but nothing like it was... Believe Him and do not be afraid to ask..."

(Betty Lou Jenkins, July 30, 2015)

God is moving. And He wants nothing more than for you to live fully. You are the crown of creation, His glorious image bearer..He will do whatever it takes to set you free. My story of pain and loneliness came full circle this week; it's not just about me, it's about the goodness of God that people internationally got to experience--all from my simple story. What took 6 months before to semi-heal, God healed in less than 6 days. He really loves His kids (you).

If God cares enough to completely heal little me, He cares enough about whatever you're going through. Give it to Him, He desires to bring our "deadness" back to life.

I don't know about you, but I will exalt. There is no one like our God.

Fearless, Part 3

There is something about the presence of God that brings the most lovely of atmospheres--it brings people together, heals relationships, creates community, and so much more. Living under the "umbrella" of the presence of the Creator drives out darkness and brings dead things to life.

Jesus, today, bring the dead things to life in us.

Not long ago, I was in Panama on an adventure for Jesus, and He taught me something I didn't quite grasp before. We (the team that joined me from our local church) arrived at Kuna Nega, Panama City's dump community. We walked from cardboard shack to shack praying for the presence of Jesus to invade people's lives like never before. We saw first hand healing (physical and emotional), heard the authentic struggles of the people there, and watched the joy of Lord overflow. In the presence and power of Jesus, the enemy flees.

Now would be the perfect time for you, dear heart, to check out Fearless, Part 1 and Fearless, Part 2 if you haven't read them yet.

Recap: In 1 Samuel 17, David (and I) learn about seasons and the equipping that God does in a season of waiting. God uses things that could appear purposeless to us in the moment, to mold us into something beautiful.

David defeats Goliath (you know the drill) and the Philistines have the appropriate response:

"When the Philistines saw that their champion was dead, they turned and ran."

(1 Samuel 17:51b)

In the presence and power of Jesus, the enemy flees, people. Real talk.

I am made fearless not because of anything I've done, but because I carry the presence and power of Jesus Christ.

"Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close behind me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me."

(Psalm 23:4)


Jesus, today, we choose to throw off our chains of fear and start running under the covering of your presence and power. Be with us, mold us, shape us, delight in us as you love to do. We are ready and expectant for an overflow of your supernatural in our everyday lives. We love you, Jesus.


Fearless, Part 2

Simple words that re-routed my thinking for life. “Well we know that the Word says in Ecclesiastes 3, ‘For everything there is a season,’” spouts the tea-slurper seated at the table beside ours at Panera. She shared these simple words with her accompaniment, and God timed it perfectly so that instantly as I took my seat, I could overhear her say that verse and be encouraged because God isn’t making a mistake or leaving me in the dumps. A whirlwind (more like tornado) of emotions had attacked me that day, leaving me uncertain and looking for an explanation of why God had left me in a waiting season. In the midst of complaining to a friend (just moments before my world-rocking word delivered the fellow Panera enthusiast), I spewed out a simple prayer, “transform my heart by the renewing of my mind, Jesus, I don’t want to feel this way.” Honestly I wasn’t expecting anything to happen but what did, rocked my world and gave me a new perspective.


In Fearless, Part 1 (this would be a great time to go back and read it if you haven’t yet), we talked about David being chosen as king even though he didn’t seem like the ideal choice. God wasn't even phased by David’s lacking resume or seemingly incapability. He didn’t give up on David because He chose to see the potential he had over the mistakes he made along the way.


I know what you’re thinking, “segment on David? Here comes some pep talk about how God helps us conquer the ‘goliaths’ in life.” Not so fast, smart one, the story gets very (drumroll please), anticlimactic. What? Yes, that’s right, in that moment David probably felt useless and very confused (don't we all). He was given a glimpse of the ultimate prize that he would be receiving, and yet nothing happens! He goes back to his McDonald’s floor mopping job and no one applauds when he enters, or kisses his feet; he’s still the same old, smelly, and scrawny wreck that we met as David from the very beginning.  Why?


That’s what I was asking, “God, “Why?” Why would He give me a glimpse of the reward and then hold it from me? I realized in what my tea-slurping God-messenger friend said at Panera, that for everything, there is a season; everything. And, unfortunately, that includes a season of waiting. So what God revealed to me through David’s story and the overheard, God-orchestrated encouragement, is that He is not holding anything back from me (that’s just not His character); He is simply equipping me for what’s ahead, whether I’m aware or not.


Fast forward a little while through David’s simple and mundane life as he had the lowliest occupation available in his time (a shepherd, although I like to say a McDonald’s floor mopper because that would have pretty much been the equivalent), and David is sent out by his father to deliver some munchies to his older brothers fighting a battle against some mean people called the Philistines. When he gets there, it’s made aware to him that the Philistines brought a giant and everyone is afraid to fight him. Blah Blah Blah, you know the drill, David talks to Saul and convinces him to let David fight Goliath.


But there is an important detail that God revealed to me just recently as I studied this passage: Saul tells David that there is no way a young shepherd boy like David could ever defeat a trained soldier (much less, a giant!!) and David replies with:


“I’ve been a shepherd, tending sheep for my father. Whenever a lion or bear came and took a lamb from the flock, I’d go after it, knock it down, and rescue the lamb. If it turned on me, I’d grab it by the throat, wring its neck, and kill it. Lion or bear, it made no difference—I killed it. And I’ll do the same to this Philistine pig who is taunting the troops of God-Alive.”

(1 Samuel 17:34-36)


David had no way of knowing that he would be up against a giant in battle. God used David’s season of waiting to prepare him (literally) for the battle. If there was no waiting season, there would be no victory for David over Goliath. The waiting season was essential.


God has not put us in a season of waiting to make us feel useless or like wasted-space, He has put us here to nurture us and teach us the things that we need to understand and heed before facing war.


God says we were made for “such a time as this” and He has placed us in our experiences for a reason (Esther 4:14). Even though we may not be aware of His timing or overall plan, we can trust that He is molding us into something beautiful to be used by Him and give Him glory.


Jesus, today, please help me to stop worrying and questioning why You have planted me where I am. I want to trust that You are preparing me for the battle ahead and will carry me there when it is time.  Transform my heart so that I am no longer uneasy over things I cannot control.

Stay tuned for Fearless, Part 3!

Fearless, Part 1

I'm trapped in a bottle labeled fear, most days a wreck. I feel like I just want to be onto the next step; it looks so promising! Is God holding me back from good things? I’m stuck! Where do I go from here? (Have you ever been here?)

I found myself in 1 Samuel 17, meeting this new friend of mine named David. We bonded right away because I remembered that He was that emotional poetic guy from the Psalms (emotional people flock, forreal).

David has always been the “perfect” example of chasing after the heart of God. Flannel-graphs and spilled Goldfish taught me that one. So, I dug in. And something stirred in me.

To be frank, David is kind of the family wimp. Often overlooked and ignored, David has the occupation of a McDonald’s floor mopper (back in the day they called it a shepherd, same difference). Suddenly, the game changes and Samuel--chosen by God to find the next king--chooses our scrawny David! Not exactly creme of the crop, David is probably surprised like crazy and his brothers, most likely super jealous at finding that David was to be their future leader. He doesn’t deserve any power at all but God doesn’t care what David deserves, He sees a wreck with potential to grow the Kingdom of God…and then He chooses to transform David’s life and make it glorify Him. Now there are bumps along the way (major bumps at that), but God never gives up on David, no matter how many times he messes up. In fact, even when David thought he was useless, it was in those very moments that God was equipping him for what was to come.

Sometimes, I’m a David and a complete mess. God looks at me and chooses not to see who I used to be, but who I have the potential to become (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

Help me today, God, to genuinely trust you and know that no matter how much of a wreck I might be, You never give up on me.

Stay tuned for Fearless, Part 2!